Electronic Personnel File for SAP
Electronic Personnel File for SAP
xft personnel file sets the standard for electronic personnel files in SAP: fully integrated, well-designed, and powerful. The personnel file provides a quick overview and enhances the transparency of HR work. In addition, comprehensive workflow functions provide optimal support for managing personnel processes.
xft personnel file supports creative work processes and brings structure to many SAP HCM (Human Capital Management) related tasks that could not be automated in the past. Customized setup and a purely SAP based presentation layer allow organizations to implement and adopt the solution within days, not weeks, with an instant return of investment.
Fully archive independent, cost-effective, and completely SAP-embedded, xft personnel file affords complete access to your HR information.
The Digital Personnel File for SAP
xft personnel file brings transparency and efficiency to HR management in SAP! No more paper piles, no more overfilled folders, no more “prospecting” for documents; but decluttered filing, quick retrieval, and audit-compliant data storage.
In the personnel file, every document, from application letters to target agreements, finds its place and can be accessed at any time, from anywhere. Working with the digital personnel file is easy, thanks to the well-arranged folder structure, the integrated document preview, and comprehensive search and navigation functions.
HR Workflow Management
The high-performance task and workflow management of xft personnel file turns the digital file into a process management hub for HR.
At a click of the mouse, users can start workflows directly from the file – pre-configured standard processes as well as their own ad-hoc workflows. Dual control workflows can be implemented, as can processes that start automatically (e.g. to delete documents from the file after a certain amount of time).
All active workflows are displayed in the user’s SAP Business Workplace inbox, and are also optionally sent to his e-mail inbox. The status display provides a quick overview of the status of all workflows and process steps; an integrated deadline monitoring makes sure that users are automatically reminded of due and overdue tasks. Thus xft personnel file provides transparency throughout all SAP HR processes and ensures an efficient processing of tasks.
Benefits of An Electronic Personnel File Solutions
Make HR Information Available Globally
Make HR Information Available Globally
Organizations experienced with HR shared services find that the model efficiently handles day-to-day administrative transactions. Centralized service offerings also require centralized data management, including the management of all employee records — external as well as internal documents. Centralization not only brings administrative efficiency but also creates the need for a common data and document structure and inherent compliance through uniform business processes.
xft personnel file makes all supporting process documentation – like e- mails, paper documents, fax letters, and many other document types – available in a structured folder hierarchy. Combining document centric information with transactional information in the same context creates significant benefits in handling HR business cases. In combination with SAP’s powerful roles and authorization mechanism, it ensures that the right people always have access to the right information.
React to Changes in the Marketplace Quickly
React to Changes in the Marketplace Quickly
New regulations and changing market conditions frequently force your HR team to change company-wide business processes or introduce new ones. This used to be a time consuming and costly task for an organization as process flows had deep dependencies on software implementation. Only by breaking the reliance on IT and by empowering your HR team to design and control their HR processes themselves – allowing them to make changes whenever they are required – will your organization master the compliance challenge.
xft personnel file is easy to customize; in fact, it can be administered by your HR team directly. There is no need to get IT involved when an existing process has to be adapted in order to follow new internal requirements or to implement a new work procedure to comply with changed laws or regulations.
Defeat the People Management Challenge
Defeat the People Management Challenge
Managers in today’s organizations must not only deliver business results, but also people results. Business managers are the front line in resource management and people management. Simplifying and reducing administrative tasks while providing critical support for people management tasks will significantly improve your organization’s business results while keeping employee satisfaction at the highest possible level.
xft personnel file brings together process and transactional information, significantly reducing process time for administrative processes while improving strategic processes through its unique capabilities to structure creative business workflows.