Youtube Recordings

SAP Archiving: Re-invented

KGS has re-invented SAP Archiving! As a company, they conceptualized and developed a new class of SAP certified archiving solutions solely built for SAP requirements. The KGS ContentServer4Storage conforms to the highest performance and security standards without requiring a relational database or an additional archive server. Learn how your company can reap the time and cost saving benefits of this new technology.

SAP Archive Migration

In today’s data-centric world, migrating legacy archives to take advantage of more cost-effective, efficient and stable alternatives is a top priority for the business community. For good reason. Aging systems represent a threat to vital work processes that are central to smoothly functioning business operations. Yet traditional methods for migrating data to new archive systems tend to be disruptive. At SolutionXchg, we believe migrating archived records should not be so complicated. Or filled with so many business risks. Unlike traditional migration solutions, our approach to SAP Archive migrations enables businesses to immediately transition to a new target archive, with data migration continuing in the background, fully transparent to end users.

SAP Content Server Replacement

There is a multitude of SAP Archive Server products out in the market today. They vary from being full ECM solutions to specialized SAP-archiving-only solutions, like the SAP Content Server. In many cases full ECM solutions have been purchased with a greater vision in mind but never lived up to your expectations. Other SAP-archiving-only solutions, including SAP’s own ContentServer, have been great entry level products that start showing their limitations in a rapidly growing and changing IT environment.

SAP Data Archiving with iTernity iCAS

The main difference between iCAS and other archiving solutions lies in the openness of the system. While other solutions rely on closed systems following a black box principle with proprietary operating systems or hardware components, iCAS follows industry standards. Solution benefits include: platform independence, easy and fast data migration, and deployment as virtual archives.

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